
This particular ending song montage from Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode 904, over the fake Injun music of the Joe Estevez classic Werewolf, never ceases to make me cackle. I’ve heard it a thousand times, and it never fails to be the highlight of whatever day I happen to watch it, and is probably one of the funniest things they’ve EVER done. That includes their various names for the David Rider character from Space Mutiny.

I’m grinning dumbly as we speak.

EDIT: Well, I forgot about the “He Tried To Kill Me With A Forklift” song from Fugitive Alien and Fugitive Alien II. Then again, pretty much all the songs from MST3K are awesome, from “Where oh Werewolf?” to “A Patrick Swayze Christmas” and “Jet Jaguar.”

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6 Responses to “Tusk!”

  1. badger Says:

    I loved that show so much.

  2. Brad Watkins Says:

    Ah yes…..“He Tried To Kill Me With A Forklift”….a classic….I think of all the Saturday afternoons when I was in High School where me and my best friends would watch this show and laugh until our sides hurt. thanks

  3. Jade Says:

    TUSK!!! 😀

  4. Ron Says:

    Badger: Me too. I still watch it constantly.

    Brad: I love the forklift song, and every time someone mentions Rocky’s name when Trace chimes in with, “Again?!”

    Jade: One night in Bangkok makes a strong man humble!

  5. MissSharonCobb Says:

    How is it I never heard that before today???? That was hilarious and well done!
    Thanks! 🙂

  6. Ron Says:

    It’s from one of the Sci-Fi Channel episodes, but really it’s a classic regardless of era. Werewolf has two of their better tunes.

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